18 – 29 May 2021
Known for his large scale paintings and in-situ projects, often involving collaborations with architects, designers and fellow artists, Rankle takes as his main subject the development of landscape art as a concept related to changes in attitude to the environment.
“I consider the series of Further Tales paintings and studies as an evolving work with strong autobiographical elements, as in for example, Further Tales along the Hudson and Further Tales from the Beach House.
“In these latest works, partly as a response to the remarkable situation we’ve been experiencing in terms of travel restrictions, the usual ways of noticing and gathering material from foreign places or countryside walks, essential contexts for the landscape artist, have been difficult.
“The intention for these recent smaller paintings has been to revisit and rework in the confines of the studio, the on-going series of landscape sketches I’ve made as a project Studio Notes & Field Studies since leaving Goldsmiths and moving to Yorkshire in the 1970’s.
“Revisiting times, places and styles from when I first became interested in referencing the English Watercolour School as an early conceptual equivalent of the ‘walking in landscape interventions’ of artists such as Richard Long and particularly Hamish Fulton for whom a single photograph or text often represents an entire day spent walking and observing nature and natural forces.
“These recent paintings are presented at Bermondsey Project Space with a selection of earlier works from the Untitled Paintings and Pastoral Collateral projects.”
Alan Rankle 2021

High profile works in public spaces include a suite of seven paintings for Isla de la Rose in Venice, installations in Paris, Nuremberg, Prague and The Hague and a critically acclaimed, four metre panoramic painting Serpentine created with the artist Kirsten Reynolds for the Double Tree by Hilton hotel in Hyde Park.
Retrospective surveys of his work have been presented at Gallery Oldham, Manchester in 2006 and at Fondazione Stelline in Milan in 2010.
Exhibition supported by