Island Time: North Uist Works
Sophie Morrish
Curated by Mel Gooding
For ten years artist Sophie Morrish has lived and worked on the remote Outer Hebridean island of North Uist. During that period her artistic practice has been continuous with her life: walking, finding, photographing, identifying and collecting the natural objects cast by the Atlantic upon the island’s shore, and registering the changing skies and clouds, the rhythm of the tides, the littoral light and weathers.
This long-term artistic process places Morrish squarely in the line of those contemporary artists who work within the ambit of landscape and the natural world: Herman de Vries, Richard Long, Chris Drury, and Giuseppe Penone.
This spectacular exhibition constitutes nothing less than a thrilling phenomenology of deep time and natural processes in a unique place, insular and marine. In its presentations – drawings, photographs, arrays and arrangements — the immediacy of real time, its stark lives, deaths and transmutations, is inserted within the vastness of cosmic and oceanic time, measured by the phases of the moon, the circling sun, and the endless rocking of the sea upon the shores of the world.
Mel Gooding is the author of Song of the Earth: European Artists and the Landscape (Thames and Hudson 2002) and Herman de Vries: Chance and Change (Thames and Hudson 2006)
Catalogue Available
Illustrated: Detail of Constellation (After Fire), burnt animal bones on board, 2018