Summer Group Show
Not One: But The Other
Art Bermondsey Project Space is pleased to announce the summer group show Not One: But The Other, organised by a group of international painters currently participating in the Turps Banana Painting Correspondence Course.
TurpsBanana is an alternative school for painters, run by painters.
The exhibition will feature recent works by: Sophie Bedingham Smith, Nancy Cogswell, Michelle Conway, Peter Illesley, Liza Lacroix, Gabrielle Lockwood Estrin, Amanda Mears, Johanna Melvin, David W Pike and Johanna Robinson.
Catalogue Available
Turps Correspondence Course
A couple of things I know to be true, where painting is concerned:
With a few rare exceptions, nothing truly good comes from a vacuum, and dialogue, even just a conversation, with a kindred spirit is essential for artists.
Secondly, you can come back to painting with a renewed clarity and purposefulness after perhaps years of life experience beyond traditional art school education.
In 2005 Turps Painting Magazine was established to provide a forum written by painters for painters. I wondered if we could use the Internet to further develop these ideas.
Getting together online initially seemed like blasphemy to a painter for whom the surface is fundamental. Until you think about it.
We are now accustomed to reading a painterly surface from a screen and getting something of what the painting is about, the gist!
But, that’s not the point.
What is really important is how interaction, online or otherwise, creates the momentum essential for building a body of work. The discussion of content, the materials, the references and not least the encouragement from established practitioners at regular intervals creates a dynamic learning structure.
It’s working.
Now, a new community of artists, who have found each other through this structure, are meeting up to initiate further dialogue, discussion and exhibition opportunities, not led or directed by Turps, but driven by a renewed sense of excitement and passion for painting.
Marcus Harvey Director Turps Banana, June 2016