17 – 18 July
Evening Opening: Tuesday 18th July, 6 – 9pm
An exhibition that toys with the phrase Sod’s Law, the idea that if something can go wrong, it will. Sod’s Law, although seemingly negative, can be understood as ‘what will be, will be’ which possesses a jovial freedom, as the worst is somewhat expected, so there is nothing to lose.
‘Sod’s Law’, although seemingly negative, can be understood as ‘what will be, will be’ which possesses a jovial freedom, as the worst is somewhat expected, so there is nothing to lose. Members of School Of The Damned 2022/23 cohort present artworks that explore ideas surrounding both the Sod and Sod’s Law, with focus on balance (or lack of), conundrums and the inspection of ‘the negative’ and unavoidable disasters.
Exhibiting artists are James Southall-Ford, Julia Mallaby, Shrub Habits, Sez Valentine, Kyra Cross, Nikki Carroll, Stephanie Francis-Shanahan, Jeff Ko, Samuel Thompson-Plant , Jacob Bullen, Faye Rita Robinson, Delphine Tomes, Laura Grainger, Max Yasmeen, Abi Palmer, Olga Paczka, Cecily Loveys Jervoise , Heidi Pearce, Ellen Angus and DYSPLA (Kazimir Bielecki & Lennie Varvarides).

School of the Damned is a free year-long alternative, and unaccredited, art school. Each year a new student group comes on board and collectively devises and develops their programme of learning.
It exists to promote access to free education as a fundamental right and stands in opposition to the current system of higher education. The School operates without money, without a bank account, without financial obligation. Rather than paying fees, the School runs a labour exchange programme with guests including artists, writers and curators, trading time for time not only to challenge the financial exclusivity of higher education but to strengthen and extend its network.
The current 22/23 cohort consists of around 102 global members, mostly based around the UK.