27 – 31 July 2021
Portraits and Other Recent Work
In ‘Beyond the Door’ Lots Road Group artists reflect on the unprecedented times we have experienced through the medium of portraiture. Artists in the group are showing portraits created during the pandemic when our own front doors have defined the way we live – both as a defence against a dangerous world and the means of escape from confinement. ‘Beyond’ in the title of the exhibition is deliberately ambiguous, allowing exploration of both interior and exterior worlds – either side of the door. Artists have chosen subjects whose experiences are representative of the unfamiliar limbo through which we have been passing – Covid survivors, those with whom we have been confined, those we have only seen on Zoom or Facetime, fellow out of work creatives – and inevitably, ourselves.

Featuring work by:
Rebecca Asghar, Alla Broeksmit, Martin Burrough, Matt Collis,
Hero Johnson, Christine Klein, Sharon Low, Fiona Mitchell,
Maureen Nathan, Hilary Puxley, Colleen Quill, Lucinda Rendall,
Sarah Reynolds, Mark Stevenson, Stella Tooth
and Guest Artist Melissa Scott-Miller