20 – 24 July 2021

Assimilation. The process of becoming similar to something. But with this, we are forced to ask, similar to what?
With fast and assertive expressionist brushstrokes, Jaffar Aly illustrates and highlights how the embodied and lived experience of those from the diaspora is filled with angst, ambiguity, anger, fear, and confusion.
In pursuit of remedy and refuge, what parts of oneself are we willing to leave behind?

Personifying the latter stages of this metamorphosis, Bradley Banton and Alexander Ofosu rewrite history by reimagining notable Black figures as White. A literal approach to a metaphorical critique of those whose cultural compass leans towards the norm and not that of their ancestors.
“And thus comes the return of the angst, ambiguity, anger, fear, and confusion that spawn from leaving all that you know behind. An undying loop of alienation unto assimilation.”
A dual exhibition, What Changes If I Change? inspects the laws of integration and the minds of the marginalised.